Islands like Mykonos and Lesbos have long been top gay destinations for some fun in the sun among gays and lesbians. But gay travellers no longer have to escape to island paradises to have a gay old time. Cities are now the favourite places to go, with so many of them having predominantly gay neighbourhoods offering urban pleasures, gay hotels and nightlife, all profi- ting from “pink money.”These are the ten gayest of them all, where you can find rainbow flags flying high.
1 | NEWYORK The Big Apple is the birthplace of gay life and of the gay pride movement. It’s the home of Stonewall, which led to all of the gay pride events around the world, and most of Manhattan is one giant gaybourhood. From Green- wich Village to Chelsea, having gays heading down to the multitude of gay bars, clubs, and shops at any time of the day. 2 | SAN FRANCISCO It’s the world’s original gay Mecca. It’s in San Francisco’s Castro District that you still feel like you’re at the centre of the gay world.There are gay events and attractions happening throughout the year, complementing the offer of gay and gay-friendly bars and restaurants. 3 | BERLIN Most people don’t realize it but Berlin may actually be Europe’s gayest capital. It seems to have the gayest attractions in the world, including a gay museum and a gay memorial.This hedonistic city is so open-minded it’s elected an openly gay mayor, and gay bars are also straight bars. 4 | AMSTERDAM Its legendary open-mindedness goes back to the early 1800s when homo- sexuality was decriminalized and when the Netherlands became the first country to allow same-sex marriage. On the waterfront you’ll find the first gay monument in the world, inaugurated in 1987. 5| BARCELONA In addition to a vibrant cosmopolitan life, the city is an attractive mix of gay and straight, and has some of Europe’s best nightlife and restaurants. In fact, it was the gay community and gay travellers that largely contributed to Barcelona becoming such a trendy place, even in winter when the beaches are no longer the main attraction. 6 | MADRID Chueca just may be the gayest neighbourhood in the world, so in addition to being Europe’s nightlife capital, Madrid is also one big gay city. Gay life has influenced the city’s trendiest shops, restaurants, and hotels. 7 | LONDON Europe’s largest gay and lesbian community lives in the British capital. Its Gay Pride event is therefore one of the world’s largest, but the thousands of gay visitors also contribute to the fun.This is also the capital of theatre and gay art. 8 | PARIS Not every city is open-minded enough to elect an openly gay mayor, but Paris has done that (the first to do so), and it was the gay community that turned Marais into the city’s trendiest neighbourhood. 9 | LOS ANGELES Some people say West Hollywood is now an autonomous gay city within L.A., and the cliché that most of Hollywood is gay often seems quite true. But this city of dreams (and nightmares) is also home to gay-friendly bea- ches and outdoor activities thanks to its pleasant year-round weather. 10 | MIAMI Miami has long been a favourite destination among gay travellers for the same reason that it attracts everyone else -- the hot weather, the hot bo- dies, and the hot nightlife. El cànnabis per a usos terapèutics (1)
Les píndoles o pastilles són la forma més comuna de prendre qualsevol medicament. Però podria no ser la millor forma quan es tracta del cànnabis terapèutic, un ús que segueix sent controvertit. El cànnabis no és curatiu, però s'usa per ajudar a alleujar símptomes (dolor, espasmes, convulsions, nàusees i vòmits, ...) d’algunes malalties com l’esclerosi múltiple, els problemes de medul·la, el càncer, la Sida, la Síndrome de Guilles de Tourette, l’insomni ... Al llarg dels propers números de la revista GAYLESPOINT anirem explicant algunes propietats del cànnabis terapèutic. PROPIETAT 1: El cànnabis és un analgèsic natural. El cànnabis distreu del dolor, treballa sobre el cos per alleujar el dolor físic. El cannabis para usos terapéuticos (1) Las píldoras o pastillas son la forma más común de tomar cualquier medicamento. Pero podría no ser la mejor forma cuando se trata del cannabis terapéutico, un uso que sigue siendo controvertido. El cannabis no es curativo, pero se usa para ayudar a aliviar síntomas (dolor, espasmos, convulsiones, náuseas y vómitos…) de algunas enfermedades como la esclerosis múltiple, los problemas de médula espinal, el cáncer, el SIDA, el Síndrome de Guilles de Tourette, el insomnio… A lo largo de los próximos números de la revista GAYLESPOINT iremos explicando algunas propiedades del cannabis terapéutico. PROPIEDAD 1: El cannabis es un analgésico natural. El Cannabis distrae del dolor, trabaja sobre el cuerpo para aliviar el dolor físico. The cannabis for therapeutic uses (1) Pills or tablets are the most common way to take any medicine. But it might not be the best when it comes to medical cannabis, a use that remains controversial. Cannabis is not curative, but is used to help relieving symptoms (pain, cramping, seizures, nausea and vomiting...) some diseases such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord problems, cancer, AIDS, Gilles Tourette syndrome, insomnia ... Over the next few issues of the magazine GAYLESPOINT we will explain some properties of therapeutic cannabis. FIRST PROPERTY: Cannabis is a natural painkiller. The Cannabis distracts from the pain, works on the body to relieve physical pain. www.senzi.es
Si hi ha una festa que cada any esperen els socis/sòcies i amics/amigues de Pante- res Grogues amb candeletes és la festa del Carnaval. Des de fa anys, aquest sarau és el Carnestoltes imprescindible de l’ambient barceloní. Enguany es celebra la catorzena edició.
Després de l’èxit de públic de les dues darreres edicions, el sarau estrena ubicació. Haureu d’estar atents a la web de l’entitat i a les nostres xarxes socials per conèi- xer la ubicació exacta i el cartell d’artistes que participaran i us faran ballar. Però ja us podeu apuntar la data amb vermell al calendari: serà el dissabte 1 de març a partir de la mitjanit en un cèntric local de Barcelona. I hi haurà moltes sorpreses! El Carnestoltes de Panteres Grogues és una festa multitudinària, amb gairebé un miler de participants, i té la característica de que pràcticament la totalitat dels assistents es disfressen. I no de qualsevol cosa. Trobareu vestits molt originals i treballats. I els millors seran premiats! Un consell: compreu les entrades de forma anticipada i presenteu-vos d’hora. L’aforament serà limitat i tot indica que farem ple. Podreu comprar els tiquets tots els dimarts, dijous i divendres de 17 a 20.30 h al local de Panteres Grogues (Diputació, 163). La setmana abans de la festa el local estarà obert tots els dies. Animeu-vos i gaudiu de la festa! Serà una d’aquelles que es recorden molt de temps! |
August 2017