Abril! Ya es primavera, y pronto vamos a disfrutar de las merecidas vacaciones de Semana Santa.Tomaremos los primeros baños de sol, ya hay ganas!! Pero...ya tenemos la piel preparada? Nuestro cuerpo, encerrado tras la pesada ropa del invierno, necesita un respiro y nuestro rostro está pidiendo a gritos una higiene profunda! Nuestra recomendación del mes: - peeling corporal + hidratación, para eliminar las células muertas y obtener una piel más flexible y así conseguir un bonito bronceado uniforme y más duradero. - higiene facial profunda FluorOxgygen +C, que es un intenso tratamiento en ocho pasos que nos dejará una tez impecable: elimina el sebo, las células muertas y limpia los poros. Revitaliza la piel, la aclara e ilumina de forma inmediata. Obtenemos un aspecto fresco, saludable y rejuvenecido. Minimiza las manchas en la tez y la formación de otras nuevas ya que inhibe la producción de melanina. Gracias a la vitamina C al 30% es un buen reafirmante y detoxificante. En Malva Make-up & Beauty Center te proporcionamos los cuidados profesionales personalizados más adecuados a cada necesidad.
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A les Panteres Grogues no tot és esport. Des del mes passat un cop al mes les panteres organitzem el Social Friday. I ¿què és? Doncs una trobada perquè es socis de diferents seccions del club es puguin conèixer i un espai perquè els més nous coneguin millor als seus companys i a l’entitat.
El Social Friday neix de la iniciativa de dos socis, el Joan de vòlei platja i el Toni de natació sincronitzada. La primera trobada es va fer el passat 14 de març al Zelig (Carme, 116) i va ser tot un èxit. No cal ser soci de Panteres Grogues per poder assistir al Social Friday: tothom és benvingut, sobretot aquelles persones interessades en conèixer l’entitat i descobrir els esports que ofereix el club d’una manera distesa i divertida, tot prenent una copa amb diferents esportistes. La pròxima trobada serà l’11 d’abril al Zelig a partir de les 23 h. Al Social Friday trobareu nois i noies que practiquen algun dels esports, ofertes en begudes fins a la 1 de la matinada i jocs per interactuar i engrescar-te de valent. I podreu obtenir informació del nostre club de primera mà. Seguiu el Social Friday a Facebook per estar al dia de totes les festes i estar al dia de totes les nostres activitats. Els divendres ja no tornaran a ser el que eren! 1 | The Golden Gate Bridge, the most famous bridge in the world, manages to impress even the most experienced travelers with its stunning 1.7-mile span.The Golden Gate Bridge is said to be one of the most photographed things on Earth.
2 | Cable cars have been transporting people around San Francisco since the late 19th century.Their familiar bells can be heard ringing from blocks away. Each one-way ride will provide spectacular views of the city’s celebrated hills as well as exhilarating transportation. 3 | Alcatraz, the notorious former prison, is located on an island of the same name in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Some of the United States’ most notorious criminals were incarcerated there. Though several tried, no inmate ever made a successful escape from “The Rock.” The prison was closed in the 1960’s and stories about Alcatraz are legendary. 4| Fisherman’s Wharf is also home to PIER 39, a festive waterfront marketplace that is one of the city’s most popular attractions. A community of California sea lions has taken up residence on the floats to the west of the pier and visitors line the nearby railing to watch their antics. 5 | Union Square is the place for serious shoppers. Major departments stores and the most exclusive designer boutiques line streets like Post, Sutter, Geary, Grant, Stockton and Powell. The Westfield San Francisco Shopping Centre houses the largest Bloomingdale’s outside of New York and the second largest Nordstrom in the U.S. 6 | North Beach, the city’s Italian quarter, isn’t a beach at all. It’s a neighborhood of romantic European-style sidewalk cafes, restaurants and shops centered near Washington Square along Columbus and Grant avenues. The beautiful Church of Saints Peter and Paul is a beloved landmark. Coit Tower a top Telegraph Hill offers a splendid vantage point for photos of the bridges and the Bay. 7 | The entrance to Chinatown at Grant Avenue and Bush Street is called the “Dragon’s Gate.” Inside are 24 blocks of hustle and bustle, most of it taking place along Grant Avenue, the oldest street in San Francisco.This city within a city is best explored on foot; exotic shops, renowned restaurants, food markets, temples and small museums comprise its boundaries. 8 | Dining in San Francisco is an attraction in itself. Known as America’s best restaurant city, San Francisco chefs excel at combining the freshest local ingredients, authentic international flavors and a touch of creative genius. 9 | Nightlife in San Francisco is a constantly changing scene. The “hottest” clubs currently are in the South of Market and Mission districts, with live and recorded rock and Latin music. Jazz, blues, swing and “oldies” music can be found all over town. 10 | A visit to San Francisco would not be complete without a cultural experience. The city is home to internationally recognized symphony, opera and ballet companies.The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Asian Art Museum, the de Young Museum, the Palace of the Legion of Honor and other museums and galleries are devoted to the finest of classical and contemporary arts. San Francisco is also home to the California Academy of Sciences.
August 2017